alopeciaWhen you first experience the symptoms of alopecia, it can be a frightening experience. Although you may feel alone, know that this common condition affects approximately 6.8 million Americans at some point in their lives — and 147 million people worldwide.

Increasing your awareness is the first step towards positive intervention. Whether you’re interested in a wig or contributing lifestyle factors, understanding the cause of your symptoms will help guide your efforts.

What Is Alopecia?

Put simply, alopecia is a medical term used to describe hair loss. In some cases, individuals will develop a few small patches, whereas others can lose their entire scalp of hair. This is known as alopecia totalis. Depending on the cause, symptoms will vary.

Male-pattern baldness, for instance, will highly differ from alopecia areata — referred to as patchy baldness. Here are some of the types of alopecia, allowing you to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms:

Scarring alopecia — Due to certain rare conditions, hair follicles become destroyed and do not grow back. This accounts for approximately seven percent of all cases, as both males and females are affected.

Telogen effluvium — Occurring due to a wide range of potential factors, including stress, crash dieting, hormonal changes and the use of certain medications, this type causes your hair to thin. In this case, the condition is typically temporary.

Female-pattern baldness — Male-pattern baldness is fairly common, affecting around 50 percent of men by the time they’re 50 years of age. While focusing on women, researchers are unsure whether or not female-pattern baldness is hereditary. Hormonal changes are believed to play a role, which is why this condition is more common post-menopause.

Alopecia Areata — Experiencing patches of baldness, this condition often occurs suddenly and generally reoccurs frequently. Most common among young adults and teenagers, this condition is an autoimmune disease. The immune system begins attacking hair follicles, resulting in the arrest of the hair growth stage.

Alopecia Universalis — Being the most advanced form, total hair loss results, including an individual’s eyebrows and eyelashes.

Who Is Affected?

As you can see from the varying types, anyone can be affected — regardless of age or gender. Although the possible causes vary, one in five people with alopecia has a family member who’s also experienced this condition. Affecting males and females equally, this condition typically begins before the age of 30.

Regardless of the type you’re suffering from, just remember, your condition does not define you. Be comfortable in your own skin, as there’s nothing more beautiful than being yourself.

At Genesis II, we help men, women, and teenagers determine what type of hair loss they’re experiencing and we offer customized hair restoration solutions that fit their lifestyle. If you or a loved one is dealing with any type of hair loss call us today at (315) 458-1074 or to contact us via email click here.



Photo Credit: Flachovatereza Via Pixabay

