hair colorIn the wake of the recent study, which suggests that redheads are genetically superior and more attractive, many people are wondering how their own hair color could be affecting their love lives. Well, wonder no more! If you have long since suspected that some people are either at an advantage or disadvantage due to their hair color, you are exactly right. The following is an overview of this groundbreaking study.

Blondes Have More Fun?

While most of us have heard the saying, “blondes have more fun,” very few understand why it exists. According to one study, blondes (females) are approached significantly more than those with hair of other colors. Furthermore, they are also more likely to be picked up by males when hitchhiking. On the flip side, the blonde males who approached the women were not as lucky. The study also notes that blonde males are not especially prone to having their advances accepted.


On the flip side, the vast majority of the population has darker hair. According to the study, 90 percent of the world has darker hair, 2 percent has blonde hair, and only 1 percent are redheads. However, perhaps this is the reason they receive less attention and reverence. The study also showed that brunettes are less likely to receive donations when going door-to-door and are also less likely to receive tips.


Lastly, the study revealed some interesting findings in relation to redheads. Over 80 percent of respondents expressed some sort of disdain towards the redhead. However, this could be because they were intimidated by them. Despite the lack of overt interest, the study shows that many people view redheads as much more attractive, which makes them less likely to approach them. Moreover, the study also found that men viewed redheads as more self-sufficient, sexual, and even more intelligent. Therefore, men are less likely to approach them unless they are confident that they can handle everything she brings to the table.

Overall, this study reveals quite a bit about our human nature. On the one hand, while we are all affected by the aesthetics associated with the people we interact with every day, men are more likely to be compelled to act based on looks alone. Moreover, it also shows us that just because someone is giving you attention, doesn’t mean they believe you to be more valuable or a better option than others. Sometimes, it’s quite the contrary.

At Genesis II, we focus less on hair color and more on hair restoration results! Get your hair and your confidence back. Call us at (315) 458-1074 or to contact us via email click here.


Photo Credit:  PublicDomainPictures Via Pixabay

