New Year's Resolutions Hair LossIf you are like many, then you have been thinking about what you want to do or achieve next year and make it your New Year’s resolution. Did you know based on that only 8% of people ever follow through completely with their New Year’s resolutions? Do not let that number discourage you as we have a few tips that might help you be part of that 8%!

Make a Resolution That Has Significant Meaning!

After the holiday season we can easily find ourselves leaning towards resolutions that are insignificant or does not have much meaning to us. For example, many people are going to lose weight this year as their resolution. Most of the time we say this because we just indulged in all the holiday foods. If you are going to lose weight, make it mean something! Set a goal such as a result of you losing weight. Do you want to play basketball with your son and right now its difficult do to the shape your in? Do you have a sister that just looks great and eats whatever she wants and this is going to be the year you get in better shape than her? Adding meaning behind your resolution will help keep you on track!

Keep It Simple! 

You probably have heard the term keep it simple with a lot of things that you do in your life, but New Year’s resolutions have to be simple for success. Do not make a million resolutions and decide you are going to accomplish all of them in a year. Pick a few and stick to them! Limiting the amount of resolutions, you are aiming for will help you focus as you know, with our busy lives it is hard to focus on new things while the world around us is moving so fast.

Having Plan Is Key!

Have you ever heard the phrase, “failing to plan is planning to fail?” This statement is true with resolutions. Creating a plan with small mile stones to reach your ultimate goal is the best way to stay on track and be in the 8% of people that make their New Year resolutions come true. I suggest make very small weekly goals that will help you succeed, while giving you the feeling of success every week. It is sometimes easy to forget or lose interest because our resolutions have not come quick enough. Make plan take your time and do not get frustrated and you will be fine!

Look and Feel Better This Year! 

Many of you are going to make a New Year’s resolution to look and feel better. It is one of the most common resolutions that people make. If you are an individual that has thinning or even have lost their hair, let New Look Institute help put a plan to make you look and feel better this year with great looking hair again. Schedule your free consultation here!

Photo Credit: Sam JR via Flickr Creative Commons