face shapeMany people don’t realize how important the right hairstyle can be for their overall appearance. Having a hairstyle that is right for your face shape can help to make your face look lifted, younger, and completely improve your self-esteem. The following guide provides you with a few tips to use the next time you go to get your hair cut.

Oval Face Shapes

If you have an oval face, it means that your face is long and thin from your forehead to your chin. It’s best to wear a short hairstyle that stops near the bottom of your chin because it will make your face look less lengthy and bring the focus toward your eyes when people look at you. If you feel that you have a long forehead, you could also have block or sweeping bangs cut to make your forehead look smaller than it is.

Round Face Shapes

If your face is round it won’t have any sharp angles. Round face shapes look best with a layered hairstyle that stops near the shoulders or lower. You don’t want to wear a bob because it can make your face look even rounder and take away from your more delicate features. It’s best to have the layers start at the chin and go down to the end of your hair.

Square Face Shapes

Square face shapes have very a very pronounced jawline. In order to play upon those very assertive features, consider cutting a bob with slight layers in it. The layers will give your head a more rounded look, which can soften the lines of your jaw.

Heart Face Shapes

If you have a heart shaped face, it means that your jawline points down toward your chin and you have a more rounded forehead. Fortunately, you can wear just about any hairstyle you want with a heart shaped face. Many people look their best with short bangs and layers that start at the bottom of their ears and go out to the end of their hair.

If you are uncertain about which hairstyle will look best with your face shape, and you’re suffering from thinning hair or hair loss, Genesis II’s highly skilled hair restoration professionals will assist you in the decision-making process and can show you just how much you have to gain. To schedule a free consultation call us at (315) 458-1074 or to contact us via email click here.


Photo Credit: kaleido-dp Via Pixabay