
If you are a frequent swimmer, you probably have dealt with the side effects of chlorine on your hair. As much as it helps disinfect swimming pools and keeps them slime-free, it may cause severe damage to your hair. While occasional exposure to chlorinated water may not have a significant impact on your hair, it may dry up your scalp and make it itchy.

How does Chlorine Affect Your Hair?

Just like every other disinfectant, it breaks down and removes bacteria, oils, and dirt from pools. As part of its functions, chlorine can stripe the oils, which protects your hair from damage. Continuous removal of oils from the scalp makes your hair cuticle porous and brittle, thus exposing your hair to damage. Additionally, it weakens your hair strands, resulting to split ends.

Can Chlorine Change the Color of Your Hair?

A common misconception associates’ chlorine with the greenish coloring you get on your hair after swimming. Its greenish-yellow color could be the reason people assume it’s the culprit. However, the main cause of the green color is copper. When copper is oxidized, it produces green particles that bind the protein in the hair shaft, leaving green color deposits.

How to Treat Chlorine Damaged Hair

If your hair is constantly tangled, dry and itchy out of chlorine exposure, it can be challenging to manage. Nevertheless, you can fix the damage with appropriate treatment and get your shiny, tangle-free hair back. There are various treatments available to help fix your damaged hair.

Deep Condition Your Hair

Deep conditioning your hair helps to seal moisture and oils in the scalp. A Leave-in conditioner is ideal for shielding your hair from chlorine.

Check Your Scalp Health

A dry scalp is likely to be itchy, flaky, and contain dandruff. Ensure you wash, oil, and massage your hair with coconut oil to replenish moisture and avoid further damage.

Clarify Your Hair

To prevent further buildup and damage, use a clarifying shampoo or rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar.

Tips for Damage Prevention

Taking preventive measures will help keep your hair healthy and shiny in the pool. Do not wait until your hair is damaged. Here are tips you can use before and after swimming to protect your hair.

Wear a silicone swimming cap.

Saturate your hair with tap water before entering the pool to reduce the absorption of chlorinated water.

Rinse your hair thoroughly after swimming.

Shampoo your hair immediately to remove chlorine residue and prevent any chlorine damage.

Bottom Line

Since chlorine cannot be eliminated from pool water, you need to understand how to care for your hair to prevent damage. If you’re experiencing damaged hair or hair loss, contact us Genesis II today by clicking here!


Check for more information about chlorine hair damage prevention and care of the damaged hair.

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