In a world where we can change our look at the drop of a hat it is very tempting to go hog wild and try something new. We are typically born with the hair color that fits our skin tone but some people have the option to change their hair color and still look natural. Before you decide on a new hair color make sure you and your stylist know and understand what’s best for your skin tone.

Is your inner Marilyn Monroe channeling you? If you want to go blonde be sure to match the level of blonde with your skin tone. For the fair skinned it’s best to stay away from the white, ashy, or reddish levels of blonde. If you have a medium skin tone it’s usually safe to stick with the light or golden blonde hues. If you’re blessed with darker skin tones you’ll want to use darker shades of blonde and avoid any platinum or white hues.

With the many shades of brunette available it’s no longer accurate to say that blondes have more fun. If you have a lighter skin tone it’s suggested that you avoid the darker tones and play with the warmer reddish or strawberry highlights. Medium skin tones go great with medium shades of brown, ranging from light to dark. Just don’t go to extremes, like from black to almost blonde. Darker skin tones will look more natural with darker shades of brown. Dark brown tones work very nicely with amber highlights.

Red hair fits the lighter skin tones the best. A light red tint is the safer end of the spectrum because if you go too dark with the reds it will make your face appear very pale. Medium skin tones should opt for medium blonde to light auburn shades. Again, too dark of reds will have a negative effect on the medium skin tone. The darker skin tones should avoid the bright red hues. The medium reds to lighter brown shades look beautiful against the darker skin tone.

If you’re suffering from thinning hair or are thinking about enhancing your look and you’re not sure how to proceed, we encourage you to contact us today and make an appointment to visit with a Genesis II hair loss specialist who will work one-on-one with you to address all your hair concerns. Your consultation is free, and there is no obligation whatsoever.

Photo Credit: AP Photographie via Flickr Creative Commons