self-esteemYour hair is a huge part of your personality. Hair has grown into a symbol of strength, power, and beauty and the right (or wrong) haircut can weigh on our self-esteem. But what about if you experience from hair loss?

Hair loss can make you feel undesirable and unattractive. One study revealed 75% of men who experience hair-loss feel unattractive to the opposite sex, thus impacting their love life. Hair loss can drive you withdraw from your social life, straining your relationships with your family and friends.

Losing your hair can be traumatic. It can be a sign of sickness, or a sign of you getting older. Because of the stress, you are more prone to anxiety or depression. Patients with alopecia have higher rates of depression than those without the condition.

People with hair loss are often the victims of bullying and harassment. One study found peers have teased 60% of bald men. If someone has harassed or bullied you, your self-esteem can waiver.

More so, women who experience hair loss may become preoccupied with trying to cover their condition. Because of this, it is hard to gather information about the impact of female hair loss. Though the research is limited, experts believe that hair loss is more accepted for men and hair loss in women can lead to an even more negative quality of life in women.

Now that you know how hair loss can affect your self-esteem, the question is what can you do?

There are a multitude of medical and non-medical methods to help you. The first step is always talking to your doctor to make sure your hair loss doesn’t have an underlying cause. From there, you can see if you’re a candidate for medications, surgical implants, or laser treatments. Your physician may also recommend over-the-counter medical treatments. You can go to a therapist about your hair loss and learn how to cope with the change. You can also try buying a wig or toupee. Or if all else fails, you can accept your condition. But no matter what treatment you try, remember you are not alone. Experts estimate 80 million men and women suffer from hair loss in the United States.

At Genesis II, we offer proven hair replacement solutions that are customized to your personal life and style. We will help you get your confidence back. To schedule a free consultation call us at (315) 458-1074 or to contact us via email click here.


Photo Credit: Flachovatereza Via Pixabay
