If hair loss runs in your family, you might expect to see thinning or balding as you get older. That’s a fair assumption. Hereditary hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss in both men and women. If your dad went bald, will you too? Or is it all up to chance?
Who Do You Inherit Hair Loss From?
Androgenetic alopecia occurs with age and highly depends on the genetics you inherit from your parents and grandparents. There’s a pervasive myth that men whose mother’s fathers went bald will also always go bald. However, as with most things involving genetics, it’s not that simple.
Male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia in men) is polygenic, which means that no single, definitive genetic factor determines if you will experience hair loss or not. Statistically, 80% of men experience male pattern baldness by the age of 80, so if baldness runs in your family, there’s a good chance you’ll experience it too.
What About Women?
Women are also prone to hereditary hair loss, but the likelihood is much less. Around half of all women will see some thinning after menopause when hormone changes can trigger this genetic trait. While the genetic mechanism for female pattern baldness is not well understood, it could be that increased testosterone leads to hair loss. Again, any history of androgenetic alopecia could indicate a genetic risk factor.
Can I Prevent Hereditary Hair Loss
Sadly, there’s no way to fight genetics. For men, if your parents or grandparents experienced hair loss, you may notice thinning as early as your twenties. However, you may get well into your seventies or even eighties before noticing noticeable bald patches. For women, hormonal changes combined with genetics mean that hair loss is much more likely after menopause, so hair loss before this time should prompt you to seek advice from a specialist.
You can boost your hair health by:
Drinking plenty of water
Enjoying a protein-rich diet
Ensuring you consume plenty of micronutrients, including vitamins and minerals
Avoiding or dealing with stress
Talking to a hair loss specialist about possible treatments
While there’s no way to stave off hereditary hair loss forever, you can enjoy thicker, fuller hair for longer by making positive lifestyle choices or getting professional treatment from a hair loss expert. If you’re concerned about hair loss, get in touch with Genesis II today. To schedule a free consultation, click here.
Photo Credit: Image by Julián Amé from Pixabay