When it comes to hair loss, all of us would prefer to keep our own hair then do hair transplants or non-surgical hair replacement. Most of the people that walk through our door have waited to long and their only options are to do hair replacement or transplants.

We had a male individual come through our door at the perfect time. He was starting to see his hair beginning to thin and was nervous it was going to get worse. He would be correct, that when your hair begins to thin, this is the initial sign of hair loss and it will only get worse unless you do something about it. For this individual, he was a great candidate to do laser hair loss treatments, which help stop hair loss and make his current hair appear fuller.

After evaluating his scalp and hair, we decided it would be best to do laser hair loss treatments, as well as a hair loss prevention program called DHT Sensor. DHT sensor offers 4 powerful hair loss prevention product, a hair loss shampoo, hair loss conditioner, hair loss vitamins, and a DHT blocker. This combination gave amazing results for this individual. Look at these pictures, which were taken before the treatments and then 8 months after the treatments.

Laser Hair Loss Treatments
Before Genesis II Laser Hair Loss Treatments
8 Months after Genesis II Laser Hair Loss Treatments


Laser hair loss treatments is like brushing your teeth or exercising. We do these things to maintain a healthy life-style and you can get the same for your hair. If you are an individual with hereditary hair loss or if you are experiencing thinning hair, then you can’t wait because it will only get worse. Come into Genesis II and we will explore your options and give you a free hair and scalp evaluation.

Contact us today!


*Results may vary