laser hair therapy

Your hair grows and falls out in cycles, which means it’s normal to lose some hair every day. But when those hair cycles become disrupted, hair loss can increase, leading to thinning or even baldness. Laser Hair therapy could be a solution for many people struggling with hair loss.

What is Laser Hair Therapy?

Laser therapy uses a technology called low-level laser therapy. You may also hear this called cold laser therapy or simply red-light therapy. This type of light is used to stimulate the tissues of the scalp and encourage hair follicles to start growing hair again.

Is it Safe?

Studies show that laser therapy is entirely safe and effective solution to hair loss for many people of any gender. Unlike lasers in sci-fi movies, low-level light lasers don’t cause burning of any kind. In fact, these types of lasers don’t release heat at all and are even used for treating some types of osteoarthritis.

Does it Work?

Current research seems to indicate that laser therapy has a positive impact when it comes to treating hair loss. A study of 44 men showed a 39% increase in hair on the scalp after 16 weeks of laser treatment. This indicates that, at least for cases of androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness, laser therapy is very effective.

Benefits of Laser Therapy for Hair Loss

Why do people choose laser therapy instead of other treatments, such as hair transplants or medication?

Less Invasive

Treatments like hair transplants involve minor surgery, which can be off-putting for some. Laser therapy involves nothing invasive, and all takes place on the surface of the skin.


Low-level light therapy is painless, which is an attractive benefit for people looking at hair loss treatment options.

Zero Side Effects

Laser therapy has no known side effects or safety concerns.

Proven Results

As the studies we linked to above show, there seems to be great evidence that laser therapy could have fantastic results in treating hair loss.

Downsides of Laser Therapy

Like any treatment, there are aspects you may want to consider before committing to a course of laser therapy.


Laser therapy can only be performed by trained specialists with expert equipment. As such, it’s often very expensive.


Unlike treatments such as hair transplants, laser therapy doesn’t work right away. Some people may find they need repeated sessions over many weeks before they get noticeable results. However, those results are usually highly satisfying.

If you’re suffering from hair loss, Genesis II can help you find out if laser hair therapy is right for you. To schedule a free consultation, click here.

Photo Credit: Rufiyana Via Pixbaby