Male Pattern BaldnessI was 18 years old and a freshman in college when I first noticed that my hairline was receding. Although I had expected that I would lose my hair one day, for it to start at such a young age took something out of me. I eventually learned how to accept and conquer male pattern baldness.

Today, I’m in my mid-thirties, and I feel a lot of sympathy for that young man struggling to control the uncontrollable. I avoided asking women out on dates. I worried that my friends would make fun of me. I despised giving presentations in class. Realistically, no one else in the world was paying attention to my hairline, but it occupied my mind constantly and controlled my behavior.

I struggled with this throughout my twenties. I asked my doctor what I could do to regrow my hair, or at least slow the process so I wouldn’t become totally bald before I reached my thirties. The doctor gave me some options, and I eventually decided to try one. At the time, though, I was still too scared to conquer my male pattern baldness.

At this stage of life, I felt anxious about meetings instead of class presentations. I could see that my career wasn’t progressing as quickly as my friends’, and I blamed it on my hair. Honestly, though, I should have blamed it on low self-confidence. The hair just gave me something to focus my low self-esteem on.

I dated a few women casually, but I always felt self-conscious around them. I didn’t believe they were really attracted to me. They might like my personality, but I didn’t believe pretty, intelligent women could lust after a bald guy. They have better options, so why would they commit themselves to me?

My insecurity kept me away from many of the women I liked and undermined the few relationships I started. It was a lonely time in my life. I felt like a loser stuck in a dead-end job with few romantic prospects.

Now that I’m in my mid-thirties, I have a different perspective. Perhaps it’s because so many other guys my age are losing their hair. I’ve also gained a lot of confidence by focusing on my skills, being kind and volunteering during my spare time.

I’m a happier, stronger person today, but I feel sorry for the younger man I was. I think about the missed opportunities and all the lost loves, jobs and friendships. The past is the past, though, so I’m considering taking action and trying out a hair restoration procedure. Either way, I’m stronger today because I understand and accept that hair loss is something a lot of men struggle with.

If you are suffering from male pattern baldness Genesis II can help. We invite you to come in for a free hair loss evaluation by calling us at (315) 458-1074 or to contact us via email click here.


Photo Credit: Adrian Scottow Via Flickr Creative Commons