platelet rich plasma therapyLosing your hair is a traumatic experience and affect confidence and self-esteem. Hair loss can happen for several reasons from side effects of medication to genetic causes. Understanding the options for treating hair loss is vital to recovery. Here’s how platelet-rich plasma therapy works for hair loss.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy?

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) is a medical treatment where blood is taken from someone, then processed and re-injected into their scalp. It is believed that this process stimulates new hair growth by increasing the blood supply to the area around the hair follicle. The process results in thicker hair.

What Type of Hair Loss is best Suited to PRP therapy?

The type of hair loss best suited to PRP therapy is androgenic alopecia. The condition causes hair follicles to shrink and results in a male pattern baldness. By injecting plasma, it stimulates the hair to grow once more by reversing the effects of alopecia.

Treatment Courses of PRP Therapy

A typical platelet rich plasma therapy course has three stages. The first stage involves blood being taken from the patient. They then send the blood to a laboratory where it is separated using a centrifuge. It concentrates platelets during this second stage. During the third stage they inject the blood plasma back into the person, in the scalp area.

Effectiveness of PRP Therapy

PRP therapy is not a cure but a form of treatment for hair loss. Scientific evidence has showed that PRP reduces hair loss. Most PRP clinicians recommend a maintenance top up treatment every three to six months to maintain hair regrowth. Sometimes side effects can occur that include swelling at the site, itching, redness, and mild discomfort at the injection site.

How to Find a PRP Professional

PRP therapy needs to be done by a qualified professional who has experience in the treatment. It is usually a doctor. When looking for a professional who can do PRP treatments, always check their credentials.

PRP therapy is an effective way of treating hair loss and is one of several treatments used to support people with alopecia. At Genesis II, we are the only hair replacement studio in the Greater Syracuse area offering Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy with a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner. To schedule a free consultation call us at (315) 458-1074 or to contact us via email click here.


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