salt waterSalt water can be very damaging to your hair, but swimming is one of the best full body exercises that you can do. Many people who choose to swim daily for exercise end up having very brittle hair because they don’t properly protect it from the salt water. The following guide walks you through a few tips you can use to keep your hair healthy and strong even after regular dips in the ocean.

Wear a Swim Cap

Believe it or not, a swim cap can really help to protect your hair from the harsh salt water. When choosing a cap, you want one that fits tightly against your head, but not so tightly that it causes you to get a headache when you wear it. If you have long hair, put your hair into a tight bun on top of your head and then hold the edge of the cap just below your hairline on your forehead. Have someone else grab the cap, stretch it up and over your head to the base of your head. This ensures that all your hair gets into the cap with minimal effort. If you have to put it on by yourself, try starting at the base of your head and pulling it around to your forehead. It will take some practice to get used to it.

Use a Clarifying Shampoo Regularly

Salt in the water can collect on your hair and cause it to become dry and brittle. It’s best to use a clarifying shampoo on your hair at least once per week to remove the excess build up from your strands and leave them as healthy as they can possibly be.

Deep Condition Your Hair Regularly

To keep your hair from drying out, use a deep conditioning treatment on it at least once a week. The conditioning treatment should contain natural oils, such as coconut oil or jojoba oil to help hydrate the hair. You can put the treatment on at night before you go to bed. Put a shower cap on your head and rinse everything out in the morning. Your hair should be soft and silky when you wake up.

Protecting your hair from salt water is an ongoing process. If you continually get into the ocean, you’ll need to continually treat your hair to keep it from becoming damaged. Maintaining hair health is extremely important. If you’re looking to improve your hair health or if you’re experiencing hair loss, our specialists at Genesis II can help. To schedule a free consultation call us at (315) 458-1074 or to contact us via email click here.


Photo Credit: skeeze Via Pixabay