alopeciaAlopecia is the loss of hair and can be distressing for people. It occurs for several reasons so people with alopecia have different needs and experiences. Here are 5 main reasons why people get this condition.

Autoimmune Disorders

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease where the cells in the body destroy the hair follicles. It often occurs as a result of a person’s genetic make-up and has a patchy appearance. When people have one autoimmune disorder they are often susceptible to others such as thyroid problems. Alopecia areata can lead to other scalp problems linked to bald patches such as ringworm.


Emotional disturbances and stress can result in hair loss. Stress can exacerbate an autoimmune disorder such as alopecia areata which then leads to hair loss. The hair follicles become loose which results in hair falling out. Another form of it linked to stress is telogen effluvium where stressful situations lead to hair follicles developing a resting phase. This results in hair loss.


Cancer itself does not generally cause hair loss, however the medication given to treat the disease leads to the development of alopecia. This is because chemotherapy destroys cancer cells but also those associated with hair growth. Not all cancer drugs cause hair loss, particularly with many newer agents targeting tumor cells only. Most hair loss associated with cancer occurs 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment.


As people get older and hormone levels change, hair loss occurs. In men this is typically a receding hairline with bald patches whereas women experience hair thinning. For some people this can be distressing. The menopause, thyroid disorders, and even pregnancy can lead to alopecia through hormonal change.

Hair Styles

Some forms of hair style lead to hair loss through traction alopecia. This occurs when the hair is pulled into a rigorous position and the tightness leads to hair loss. Pigtails and cornrows are just two examples of this type of style. Hair treatments such as permanent waves and hot oil can lead to scarring which exacerbates hair loss.

People get alopecia for all kinds of reason. Some forms of alopecia are reversible and enabling a person to manage their condition will help recovery.

At Genesis II, we encourage you to contact us today and make an appointment to visit with one of our hair loss specialist who will work one-on-one with you to address all your hair concerns. To schedule a free consultation call us at (315) 458-1074 or to contact us via email click here.



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