The Puzzling Hairstyle Donald Trump Has Chosen
Many have wondered and speculated about the puzzling hairstyle Donald Trump has chosen to wear for decades. With his recent announcement to run for President he’s back in the spotlight more than he’s ever been. Regardless of your political preference or how you personally feel about Mr. Trump I’m sure we’ve all asked ourselves the question, […]
Is Your Favorite Summer Activity Damaging Your Hair?
Chlorine is a widely used pool cleaner that rids the water of nasty bacteria and viruses but is also an evil drying agent that will wreak havoc and begin damaging your hair. Our hair follicles are protected by sebum, which is a natural oil the body produces to lubricate both skin and hair. Drying agents […]
Spring Cleaning for Your Hair
Over the winter the dry indoor heat in our homes can create a problem with increased hair loss. Many think this is a fact of life and is inevitable. However, there are three simple things you can try to help slow down or eliminate hair loss. Actually your hair stylist can be very helpful with […]
When Hair Loss Becomes an Obsession
Appearance is an American obsession. Think about it. Plastic surgery is rampant in this country. Why? Most people want to be considered as being attractive. Sometimes nature doesn’t cooperate with our desire to look a certain way. For many Americans hair loss is a big deterrent to the obsession with looking good. Men and women […]