Top 5 School Safety Measures

For School Buildings

When it comes to School Safety Measurs there are key considerations that school districts can do to ensure their buildings are more secure in the event of an active shooter. Armoured One has worked with subject matter experts in the fields of active shooter and security and have identified five of the most important school safety measures districts can take to protect their buildings.

05. School Safety Measures: Harden All Access Points

School Safety Measures

Districts should utilize multiple layers of security to harden the access points to every building. Each access point should be monitored by surveillance cameras. Access control systems should be utilized and the device should be locked at all times. Door position switches and local door ajar alarms should be installed. Equipping access points, to include doors and sidelights, with Shooter Attack certified film or glass slows down an attacker and their entry into a building. 

04. Create a Single Point of Entry

School Safety Measures for Buildings

Each building should have a single point of entry during school hours. This single entry should include a secure vestibule with a stationed, trained, and effective greeter. The greeter is the first line of defense in the event of an active shooter. Armoured One has developed a specific Greeter Training that empowers greeters while giving them the tools and knowledge to ensure they are prepared if a scenario were to occur. 

03. School Safety Measures: School Resource Officer

Every school should have a School Resource Officer (SRO). It is statistically proven that schools with armed SRO’s are less likely to be attacked by an active shooter. The length of an attack is drastically shortened by the presence of an SRO as well.

02. Mass Notification System

All building occupants, regardless of where they are located in the building, should have immediate and simultaneous notification of an active shooter. The faster an individual can observe–orient–decide–act, the more lives can be saved. A public address system is an option, not the solution. Consideration must be given to various effective solutions for mass notification.

And finally our #1 on our list of School Safety Measures ...

01. School Safety Measures: Comprehensive Security Assessment

A comprehensive security assessment by an experienced and qualified third party will help you determine your vulnerabilities with regards to an active shooter or targeted attack. This type of security assessment addresses the physical security considerations for your building, and encourages many other preparedness actions including active shooter training and drills, emergency operations planning, threat assessment teams, crisis management teams, emergency management and incident command, and coordination efforts and teamwork with area law enforcement. 

The suggestions listed here are certified by the National Safety Security Protection Association

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