trichotillomaniaTrichotillomania is not a word that particularly rolls off the tongue. Yet it is estimated that 1 to 2 percent of adults and adolescents suffer from this disorder. If you’re not sure what it is, here is more on trichotillomania and who it affects.

What is Trichotillomania?

According to Mental Health America:

Trichotillomania is a body-focused repetitive behavior classified as an impulse control disorder (along with the lines of pyromania, kleptomania, and pathologic gambling) which involves pulling out one’s hair. Hair pulling may occur in any region of the body in which hair grows but the most common sites are the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelids.

What Causes It?

While trichotillomania is a mental health disorder, it is not known exactly what causes this behavior. In many cases, anxiety and arousal levels play a part in triggering it. Those who have family members with the disorder are also more likely to develop it.

Last but not least, researchers have suggested that structural or functional abnormalities of the brain may play a role in the development of trichotillomania.

The good news is that that there is treatment in the form of psychotherapy as well as pharmacotherapy. Both types of treatment help many with this disorder. Psychotherapy works with stimulus control, awareness training, and habit reversal. Pharmacotherapy therapy includes pharmaceuticals like clomipramine, n-acetyl cysteine, and olanzapine. A combination of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy sometimes works in tandem.

What Are the Symptoms?

The symptoms of trichotillomania include:

Hair pulling

Relief, gratification, or pleasure in pulling out hair

Avoiding public places due to embarrassment or shame

Increased tension when resisting behavior or prior to hair pulling

Repeated attempts at stopping

Rituals or behavior exclusive to hair pulling such as biting the hair or pulling hair strands between the teeth

We Can Help Get Your Confidence Back

We understand how difficult it is to maintain confidence while experiencing hair loss. If hair replacement is something you want to consider, the highly experienced consultants at Genesis II will help you find the best solution for your particular situation and lifestyle. To schedule a free consultation call us at (315) 458-1074 or to contact us via email click here.


Photo Credit: Engin_Akyurt Via Pixabay