trichotillomaniaThis holiday season is the most stressful one in decades for nearly everyone. The pandemic is at its highest point so far, limiting travel and making family gatherings difficult if not impossible. That level of stress takes a physical toll, especially on those who already have mental health issues. Trichotillomania, the compulsion to yank out strands of hair, worsens during high-pressure times, so the next few months will be difficult for sufferers.

Trichotillomania Symptoms

People with trichotillomania repeatedly pull out hair from their scalp, eyelashes and eyebrows as well as other body areas. When they try to stop pulling their hair, they suffer from growing tension until they give in. This condition often results in noticeable bald patches or thinning hair. Some sufferers chew or eat their hair, which can cause digestive issues. Also, they may encounter social difficulties because they cannot stop.

Trichotillomania Causes

The causes of trichotillomania are not entirely clear but may include a chemical imbalance in the brain, hormonal changes during puberty or a reaction to stress and anxiety. The condition is often misunderstood or minimized by people who do not understand it. Those with trichotillomania find it extremely difficult to stop without professional help. Those who enter counseling can expect better outcomes than those who do not.

Stress Reduction

Reducing stress is a priority this holiday season. Everyone is on anxiety overload this year, and those with issues such as trichotillomania are at high risk. If you are on edge, consider simplifying your holiday efforts. The CDC has advised that people do not travel. If you do have family gatherings, keep it to those who are in your household. Do not wear yourself out with elaborate meals or marathon shopping trips. Buy online and have items delivered. In fact, you can even have a holiday meal catered. These tips may help keep your condition from escalating.

You can easily disguise trichotillomania by getting a wig or wearing a quality hairpiece while you recover. Remember, have a happier holiday season by releasing yourself from high expectations. This year is the time to take it easy on yourself. If you’re experiencing hair loss due to anxiety, call Genesis II today at (315) 458-1074 or to contact us via email click here.

Photo Credit: UniqueMarfa Via Pixabay