hair lossSociety expects women to have beautiful hair – just look at all the advertisements for hair products. Shampoos, conditioners, hair color, and thousands of other hair-oriented items crowd the shelves at stores and are available online. So, when a woman loses her hair, she is traumatized and sometimes even withdraws from society. Fortunately, the causes of hair loss can be often be treated. The following are some of the main culprits for hair thinning or balding.

Alopecia Areata

In the United States, nearly seven million people suffer from alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack its own hair follicles. This condition can lead to circular bald patches on your scalp, or in some extreme cases, complete baldness or loss of body hair.

Many with mild cases of alopecia areata return to full hair growth. Some sufferers benefit from minoxidil, an over-the-counter topical treatment. For others, it is a lifelong condition with no cure.


As a woman enters into menopause, she begins to lose estrogen and progesterone, which causes hair loss. In most instances, your hair gradually thins throughout instead of developing bald patches.

If you have this issue, you should consult with your doctor. Sometimes hormone replacement therapy will lead to hair regrowth. In other cases, minoxidil can help restore your hair.

Eating Disorders/ Extreme Dieting

If you suffer from an eating disorder or engage in extreme dieting, poor nutrition can cause your hair to fall out or simply stop growing. If you do not get enough iron, zinc, fatty acids, etc., your body cannot produce a healthy head of hair.

Eating a balanced diet is essential to your overall health and shiny locks. If you are dieting, don’t cut out essential nutrients and take a multi-vitamin. For eating disorders, you need to seek the help of a medical professional.

Final Note

Many women struggle with hair loss at some point in their lives, but you do not have to settle for bald patches or thin strands. Often, medical intervention can help. If they don’t, you have many cosmetic options from which to choose, including laser hair therapy and hairpieces.

At Genesis II, we can help determine which hair loss restoration procedure is right for you. To set up a free consultation with one of our hair loss specialists call us at (315) 458 – 1074 or to contact us via email click here.



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