chemotherapyWhen you face a cancer diagnosis, you have to worry about simply surviving. Cancer of all types can move quickly and force you to fight for your life. The diagnosis causes immense emotional strain as well as physical issues. In addition, chemotherapy is the treatment for most cancers, and it causes a number of harsh symptoms of its own. You may experience nausea, vomiting, bone pain and skin issues.

And in many cases, you are likely to lose some or all of your hair. At a time when you are already vulnerable, hair loss can lower your self-esteem and make it more difficult to keep a positive attitude, something that is essential to cancer recovery. Fortunately, you can find an attractive solution to your temporary hair problem.

Chemotherapy Effects

Different types of chemotherapy are used to battle different cancers. Some chemo is more likely to cause hair loss more than others. For instance, chemo for breast cancer often causes significant loss of hair. The powerful chemo drugs attack growing cancer cells, attempting to destroy them. Sadly, the medication also kills healthy cells, including those in your hair roots. You may begin to lose your hair just days after starting treatment and lose most of it in a few weeks. While it usually grows back after you finish your course of chemo, that still leaves you with months of a bald scalp.

Cold Cap Treatment

Some women and men have found the cold cap treatment effective in limiting hair loss during chemo. The cap is cooled to -15 to 40 degrees below zero and worn by the patient before, during and after chemo. The cold helps prevent the hair follicles from absorbing the chemo, making it less likely your hair will be affected. The cap also slows down hair follicle function which helps limit chemo damage.

Patients report varying degrees of success with the cold cap, although it does appear to spare at least some hair. You may find the cap quite uncomfortable, however, and prefer something that does not cause you more discomfort while you are already ill.

Other Options

Wigs, extensions, and hair systems are safe and fashionable ways to battle chemo-related hair loss during treatment. They are easy to maintain, look natural and help maintain your self-confidence. They also cause no ill effects. Call on the experts at Genesis II to recommend the best hair loss solution for your chemo-related condition. To schedule a free, private consultation call us at (315) 458-1074 or to contact us via email click here.


Photo Credit: Antonio_Corigliano Via Pixabay