chemotherapyChemotherapy is a common form of cancer treatment that is known for causing hair loss. This side-effect is due to the potent medication that is applied during the course of chemo sessions, which targets and destroys all rapidly growing cancer cells within the body. Examples of widely used chemo drugs include Adriamycin and Methotrexate. Unfortunately, these drugs also attack healthy fast-growing cells such as those responsible for regulating healthy hair cycles, thus leading to hair loss.

Symptoms and Measures

Chemo-related hair loss varies in severity according to the type of drug used during treatment. Mild drugs are known to cause thinning hair while more potent variants may lead to baldness. In some cases, patients have experienced hair loss at other parts of their body (aside from the scalp), which may include eyebrows, arms, and legs.

Individuals should consider speaking to their specialist before chemo treatment to learn more about the type of drug that will be used. This allows them to address hair loss concerns and consider drug alternatives if possible. While there is no guaranteed prevention of hair loss during chemo, sufferers may take several precautionary measures in coping with symptoms.

These may include wearing a wig or scarf during recovery as a means of maintaining identity and self-confidence. It is also important to opt for gentle hair care products (such as organic shampoo and fine bristle brushes) that go easy on recovering hair strands.

What to Expect?

Hair loss from chemotherapy treatment is not immediately noticeable. The first symptoms of hair loss usually appear two to three weeks after the first round of chemo treatment. Sufferers experience different rates of hair loss, through loosening strands of hair or shedding clumps at a time. Hair loss usually lasts throughout the course of chemo treatment and even a few short weeks after.

The good news is that chemo-related hair loss is temporary and do not require regrowth treatments. Healthy hair is usually restored several weeks after the last rounds of chemotherapy after the drugs have run their course. Hair loss is a highly distressing side effect of chemo but gentle hair care and mental preparedness can provide sufferers with a smoother recovery process.

We encourage you to contact us today and make an appointment to visit with a Genesis II hair loss specialist who will work one-on-one with you to address all your hair concerns. To schedule a free consultation call us at (315) 458-1074 or contact us via email by clicking here.


Photo Credit: klbz Via Pixabay